KUMUKUTI-KUTITAP. BUMUBUSI-BUSILAK. Lyrics to a song we had to perform back in high school for teacher's day, which was in December. Or was it maintenance day? I don't remember.
But I do remember absolutely hating the song with its corny melody, trilling about Christmas lights that twinkle, gleam and dance. How in the world can you possibly look even half cool singing a song that required mommy moves, gameshow-host grins and cornball harmonizing?
However cheesy the song, I have to say it can't be any more appropriate for that fascinating feeling you get from a display of lights. They come but once a year after all and only rightly so as the Earth could not possibly handle this kind of electric extravagance all year round.
Dagdagan mo pa ng kendi, ribbon eskoses at bonita. Habang lalong dumadami, regalo mo'y dagdagan!
Sorry Mr. C but can this song please get an alternative arrangement?!
Rustan's Makati shop display windows and Ayala Triangle Symphony of Parols lights and sounds show. Show runs M-F, 6-8pm until December 23. Special weekend show on December 18-19.
I loved these pictures - especially the elephant's trunk!
Thank you! I quite like them too :-)
GORGEOUS! Wow, Makati went all out this year. Can't wait to see them in person.
Oh... as for the Kumukutikutitap, it was maintenance day. What an unforgettably CREEPY rendition. The harmony in "ganyan ang mga indak ng mga bumbilyaaaaa...". Chilling.
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