EST. 2009

July 17, 2019

That Study for Picasso

WHILE POPULARLY KNOWN FOR HIS PAINTINGS OF SWIMMING POOLS in sunny California, David Hockney depicted other subjects of interest, in an impressive range of media. Still life features heavily in his oeuvre, alongside landscapes, and tender portraits of family, friends, and pets. Hockney made them with pens, brushes, photocopiers, cameras, and fax machines, on paper, canvas, iPhone and iPad screens.

With Picasso as his life-long hero, Hockney was inspired by the Spanish master's versatility, and experimented with different styles in his own work. He also featured Picasso in his drawings, making tribute prints following Picasso’s death in 1973. Through the 80s, he produced photo collages that emulate cubism.

"I think Picasso was, without doubt, the greatest portraitist of the 20th century, if not any other century." Hockney shares in an interview with The Guardian. Here, his Study for Picasso in pen and ink depicts portraits of Picasso at different life stages. The drawings sold at Christie's for £21,250 in 2012.

Study for Picasso by David Hockney. Images from


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