WHAT GOOD COULD POSSIBLY RESULT IN setting two hedonists free in Bordeaux? We neither embarked on any tours or wine courses, nor visited any vineyards or chateaus. We didn't even enter the museums or watch a show at the theater. We simply came, saw and conquered every steak tartare and truffled fry, every croissant and confiture, the apéritifs, the wines, the digestifs and the small dark coffees that served as great excuses for ducking into shady terraces when the sun got too hot.
This was the first trip we've taken since moving to Barcelona and the first holiday we've had with no specific sights or schedules set. Aimless wandering plus endless consumption, this trip makes it official: we make a dangerous pair, headed for nothing but drastic weight gain and uneven tans.
Then again, this is Bordeaux. What better place to indulge one's bon appétit?
La place du Palais, La Tupina, Fontaine des Girondins at L'esplanade de Quinconces, Grand Théâtre, Place Camille Jullian, Les allées de Tourny, Place de la Comédie, Bordeaux. Photos by Lady San Pedro and Jaime Sese.
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