BIBI ANDERSSON LOOKING EVERY BIT a guardian angel to one of my most favorite fictional characters ever.
We all have those moments. Of loneliness, emptiness, of wondering what all this is really for or what all this is really worth. And we never really have the answers so we move on along with those moments left unclosed.
Ingmar Bergman shows us that these moments may eventually find closure but more important is that they find comfort; in our own smultronstället.
Literally translating to "wild strawberry patch" and pertaining to a place where children can run to and safely hide, smultronstället is presented to us as that special place in our minds and memories that we hold with personal and sentimental value. It was a place Isak Borg revisited in the film, which in his lonesome old age, brought him meaning, discovery and peace. It is a place we can all revisit to get us by, no matter what point we may be in our lives.
What's your smultronstället?
Victor Sjöström as Isak Borg, photographed with Ingmar Bergman during production of the film.
Smultronstället, 1957. Directed by Ingmar Bergman. Behind-the-scene photo from en.wikipedia.org
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