EST. 2009

May 4, 2012

That Transparency

HAVING BLOGGED FOR ALMOST THREE YEARS NOW, I'd say I've spent the last 30 or so months voluntarily exposing myself to images to the point of saturation. Sometimes, it feels like nothing looks as good, or as new, as they should anymore.

From over a hundred design and fashion sites I am subscribed to on Google Reader, to the accumulated number of images I consume via my Pinterest, Instagram and Facebook feeds, my daily digital sources alone seem enough to turn me looney from image overdose, if there is such a thing. A rest from looking at pictures would be good. Unfortunately, an idle blog wouldn't.

Clearly, I've found the perfect compromise, without compromising the white space. Blending well in with spring's crop of lucite, plexiglass and PVC-centric accessories, two transparent covetables from Ferragamo and Marc Jacobs are good to see, and see through.

Ferragamo Vitrea, and Marc Jacobs Transparent Pump,