EST. 2009

November 18, 2010

Those Natural Distractions

WHAT A HORRIBLE IDEA IT IS trying to Christmas shop online. With so many unaffordable yet irresistible distractions around, I've officially only crossed out one, one! item from my list with no real success in crossing out any more soon.

No thanks to's new Accessories Index and the just-launched Beta by Google.

Not quite sure if it's the still-sick feeling I've had or the virus going around at work, the cooler weather paired with persistent carols playing in every mall, talk of Christmas parties and Christmas dinners, Christmas get-togethers and Christmas plans, or just my natural inclination to be distracted by accessories and apparel, but I've found myself very unfocused lately, taking much more time to do things I can accomplish in a quick sitting or spacing out when usually I'd have already thought of my next action or idea.

The first step is realization. Wow, I've come that far. I take the next step by doing my first fully-focused task of the day: tomorrow's blog post. This post. Which will indulgently feature my current distractions.

Sometimes you just have to get things out of your system. Thank god blogging is free.

Accessories from Derek Lam, Donna Karan, CĂ©line, Givenchy, Reed Krakoff and 3.1 Phillip Lim. Images from Accessories Index,


wisewoman60 said...

I have read several of your blogs and you really are a delight! Keep up the blogging and I will keep reading.

Lady San Pedro said...

Thank you :-) Will do!

Jeanelle said...

Gorgeous accessories, especially the first bag. Thanks for sharing!

Love from Holland,
Glocal Girl